That’s A Wrap!

These chicken & nutmeg wraps are a great dinner option, especially if your cooking for a crowd!I used to always make fillings and wrap them in – lets be honest boring lettuce leaves, but why not get those good oils and fibre in and make your very own flaxseed wraps, super easy and honest! Serves 4.
- 1 & 1/2 cups flaxseed ground (not milled)
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 1 tsp spice – used nutmeg
- Water
- I used a mixture of golden flaxseed and brown flaxseed and ground it myself in my food processor or you could use a coffee grinder. It should be like a flour texture. You can alternatively buy it ground in shops.
- I placed all the ingredients in a bowl apart from the water and mixed them well.
- I slowly added in water just enough to make a dough, like if you were making pastry! I used roughly 1/4 cup.
- Just like you would with pastry let it sit in the fridge for half and hour before sectioning it into four parts.
- Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough ball until very thin, *I used a sprinkling of buckwheat flour on the board and pin to avoid any dough sticking!- but you can use any type of flour!
- I heated a little coconut oil// or olive in a pan and fried off each side for about 2-3 minutes until golden brown!
My favourite filling: Chicken, Apple & Nutmeg Wraps!
- 2 chicken fillets- cut into strips
- 1 green apple- cooking or golden apple
- 1 small onion- chopped into rings
- tbsp nutmeg
- I baked the chicken first and sautéed the onions, apple and spice together in a frying pan until soft, adding the cooked chicken last, mix it all up and fill up those wraps!
I would recommend a dip or sauce – I used *cashew cheese I made
- 1 cup cashews
- 1/2 lemon juice
- nutritional yeast
- Blended together in food processor – should be a creamy spread!
Or my *roasted red pepper dip with a little chilli for an added kick!