Surprise cookies

Not many things in life are a surprise so have a little fun with your food. Coated in a layer of silky smooth chocolate each cookie is a surprise flavour inside with a simply crunchy base; from crunchy Peanut butter to jelly, orange to caramel- fill them how you like.
Serves 16
Cooks in 40 Minutes
400g ground almond
6 tbsp. coconut oil
6 tbsp. maple
large pinch of sea salt
2 tsp vanilla
( you’ll need a 1 tsp. to fill a cookie so you can pick your favourite fillings and make a mix!)
Crunchy Peanut butter
Chia Jam or just jam of choice
Smooth Marmalade
Tahini Caramel ( 2 tbsp tahini, 1 tbsp maple, pinch sea salt)
120g vegan chocolate
1 tbsp. coconut oil
Preheat oven to 180ºC
In a mixing bowl ass the ground almond. Melt the coconut oil and toss into the bowl along with the maple, salt and vanilla.
Combine into a thick dough.
Make 16 even ball shapes.
Prepare a lined baking tray and press each ball into a cookie shape keeping some height.
Using your thumb make a well at the centre of each cookie.
Bake for 15-18 minutes until golden coloured around the edges. Let cool for 15 minutes before filling .
Fill each whole with 1 tsp your surprise and set the freezer for 15 minutes.
Dip in the chocolate coating using 2 forks ( check out my video tutorial on how to do this) and set back to the fridge for 10 minutes until hard.
Keep in the fridge for up to 8 days.