Vegetable Pasta Pot

This is the perfect dish to use up whatever vegetables you have lying around. Think chunky vegetable stew meets minestrone. You can swap in whatever vegetables, beans or pasta you have to really make this dish your own!
Storage: Once cooled it lasts for 3 days in the fridge, it also freezes well.
Serves 6
Cooks in 30 Minutes
2 Aubergines, washed and diced
2 x 400g Tin chickpeas, drained and rinsed
2 Medium carrots, peeled, washed and diced
240g Frozen peas
300g Pasta
2 tbsp Dried herb mix
2 x 400g Tins chopped tomatoes
1 tbsp. Sweetener
Enough vegetables stock to cover, approx. 1-1.2 litres
Salt and pepper to season
In a large pot add the pasta, vegetables and beans.
Cover with vegetable stock (this will depend on how big your pot is but approx. 1-1.2 litres).
Bring the pot to boil, then lower the heat to a steady but low simmer for 25 minutes.
Check the vegetables and pasta are cooked through, stir in the tinned chopped tomatoes and sweetener.
Serve or keep for later – this dish gets better with time.