Snicker Slice

How could you not? All the best things jam packed into one slice- chocolate, caramel, crunch and biscuit and they are raw so no baking required! It’s a nice recipe to make over the weekend to indulge with a cup of tea, a proper satisfying healthy treat! I recommend cutting the slice into squares as they are very filling, but I did manage to eat a full slice with no issues. The snicker slices will last 7 days kept in the fridge in a sealed container.
Serves 8 large slices or 16 squares
Cooks in 40 Minutes
- 3 tbsp. cashew butter
- 5 tbsp. coconut flour
- 2 tbsp. maple
- 2 ½ tbsp. coconut oil
- 6 medjool dates
- 5 tbsp. peanut butter
- 4 tbsp. maple
- 100ml almond milk
- pinch sea salt
- 100g toasted or raw Peanuts
- 3 tbsp. coconut oil
- 2 tbsp. maple syrup
- 1 ½ tbsp. cacao powder
- To make the base add all the ingredients into a medium sized mixing bowl and using your hands or a spoon combine to form a dough.
- Press into a lined bread tin ensuring the top is even.
- In a food processor add all the ingredients for the caramel and blend until smooth with no trace of dates, the caramel will be thick( you can have a little taste).
- Halve the peanuts using a pestle and mortar or knife and stir into the caramel before pouring it over the biscuit base and spreading out.
- To make the chocolate add the coconut oil to a small saucepan over low heat, once the coconut oil is melted add in the maple and cacao powder stirring to combine them all.
- Pour over the top of the caramel and place into the fridge for 3 hours before slicing up.