Oreo Style Blondies

Lately I have become a little better with restricting myself on eating the whole batch and not being so greedy, but these blondes broke me, I honestly couldn’t stop going back for more, out of everything I have made these lasted the shortest time – a big hit in our house! These were created completely by default,on one of my baking days I had some of my white chocolate chips left over and cookie crumble mix, so not wanting it to go to waist, I experimented.
An experiment worth taking! The base mixture for the blondies is similar to a bike bar I have been making – not yet on the blog, I wanted these to be different to any other recipes & importantly to taste, feel and look like the real deal, these definitely match the bill! I IMPLORE YOU ALL TO GO MAKE THIS RECIPE :O Of course you could make these with dark chocolate chips or chopped nuts also!
Cooks in Minutes
- 1 cup gluten free oats
- 2 bananas
- 200g raw cashews
- Capfull vanilla essence
- 1/4 cup maple syrup
- 1 tsp baking powder – gluten free versions available
- 1/2 cup hazelnuts
- 1/4 cup almonds
- 1 tbsp coconut oil
- 2 tbsp cacao powder
- 2 tbsp maple/honey
- 45g cashew butter
- 55g cacao butter – I use Nua Naturals range available in health stores.
- 1 & a half tbsp maple syrup
- Melt the cacao butter and mix with the rest of the ingredients in a food proccessor until smooth like thick liquid.
- Pour onto a tray or in moulds and place in freezer until hard (20-30 min).
- Once hard, chop into chunks.
- Preheat oven to 190ºC
- Place the hazelnuts and almonds in a food processor and process until ground.
- Add in the honey, cacao powder and coconut oil and blend once more until mixed well and sticking together. This will take a couple of minutes depending on the power of your food processor.
4. Place on a baking tray and bake for 8 minutes, leave aside to cool down completely and harden.
- Place the oats in a food processor and blend into a fine flour.
- Add in the cashews and process until the two are both a fine flour – this will take a some time to blend depending on the food processor you are using.
3. Place the rest of the ingredients into the processor and blend until the mixture is smooth and a creamy batter.
4. Stir the chocolate chips, and crumble into your batter.
5. Pour into a lined baking tin or tray (I used two bread tins).
6. Bake for 25-30 minutes depending on thickness (mine were about 1.1/2″ and took 27 minutes).
7. Remove and let sit aside to cool before pulling parchment paper away.