Roz’s Chocolate Orange

Sometimes simplicity is the best recipe, taking the traditional marriage of flavours; orange and chocolate these are a no fuss, simple and fast treat to wipe up. However, they look and taste quiet impressive. The texture of the cold hard chocolate matches perfectly with the creamy & light mousse inside. If your like myself and you fancy a bit more orange bite, grate some orange zest through your melted chocolate. Enjoys these little gems, and remember its not Terry’s chocolate orange…..
Serves 12 chocolates
Cooks in Minutes
Orange cream
- 1/2 avocado
- 1 tbsp cacao powder
- 1/2 juice of an orange
- 1 tbsp honey/maple
Raw chocolate or melt good quality dark chocolate <75%
- 1/2 cup cacao
- 1/2 cup cacao butter
- 4 tbsp maple/honey
Make your chocolate
- Melt the cacao butter, over low heat, add in all other ingredients and stir until fully dissolved.
- Using a teaspoon spread your top coat of melted chocolate in your moulds (leaving some for covering later)
- Place in freezer/fridge until hardened.
Make your orange chocolate cream
- Place all ingredients in a blender and mix until pureed.
- Spoon roughly 1/2 teaspoon of orange chocolate cream in each mould and cover with the rest of your melted chocolate, place back in the freezer until hardened once more.