Buckwheat Pancakes

Breakfast being my favourite meal of the day, I hate to admit It,but presumably like most people you get sick & bored of having the same sort of things day by day, eggs, porridge, bread healthy or unhealthy, bacon, granola fruit etc, So we all love pancakes and agree there not just for one day especially if they’re buckwheat. So make breakfast your biggest meal and dig into a stack of pancakes you wont feel guilty about or too sluggish! I have given the basic recipe so if you don’t like blueberry or the chocolate chip idea (crazy people) be creative and try some of my other recommendations!
*note – just cause its chocolate doesn’t mean you must avoid, dark chocolate is actually great for uplifting your mood and full of anti-oxidants , I used Dr.Coy new chocolate bars there – I used mint it was gorgeous! Theres also vegan chocolate available most places now like carob drops and Aine’s chocolates do one too!
Serves 4 large / 8 small
Cooks in Minutes
- 2 cups buckwheat flour- available in health food store and some large supermarkets.
- 2 cups almond milk
- 1 tbsp baking powder
- 1 tbsp vanilla essence
- 2 -3 tbsp stevia powder
- *pinch of cinnamon – optional
Additional ingredients
- *optional – 1 cup of blueberries for plain blueberry pancakes
- 1/2 cup of dark choc chips for a more fun pancake toppings
- 1 small pot of greek yogurt/or coyo mixed with 1 tbsp of your favourite protein powder, sprinkled with cocoa nibs & some coconut nectar/maple syrup for drizzling.
Other Extras
- grated apple/pear
- mashed banana
- chia seeds
- goji berries
- Take all your basic recipe ingredients and whisk together until thick and smooth
- Add in whatever extras you fancy, remember berries and grated fruit is excellent option if you want a naturally sweet pancake or opt for dark chocolate chips!