Good To Go & NBF Charity Event
So, you may remember my pop up from the first book – well if you don’t we raised over €11k for the Capuchin Day Centre, an amazing charity who feed hundreds of homeless people each day.
I’ve set up this event alongside Good To Go who to host an evening of delicious food all for this amazing cause. ALL ticket sales will be donated to the charity. You can check out Eventbrite to buy your tickets now!
There are limited spaces so make sure to book quick. The event takes place on the 2nd of November and tickets cost €35 euro which includes dinner and a complimentary cocktail (healthy as possible promise!).
So, you’ll not only be buying yourself dinner you’ll also be buying dinner for someone else too when you buy a ticket 🙂
The night consists of 3 sittings – 6 pm, 7.30 pm & 9 pm. Each sitting lasts 1 hour were you will be served canapés, a dinner from the new menu and a complimentary drink!
Buy your tickets now click here