What Happens When It All Falls Apart?

I recently had a disaster whilst baking, I was making a coconut bread and being the impatient person I am, I couldn’t wait for it to cool down before trying to pound it out of the tin. Only to leave me with half the loaf on the wire rack and the other half still in the tin…. I was devastated… I’m a bit of a perfectionist when cooking and a control freak if I’m honest, so there was no way I could serve it to anyone! I scrapped out the rest from the tin and left the ruins sitting on a plate, as I casually picked away at it all day, I knew it was just too good to throw away. Few of my friends were calling over so I had an idea to try a triffle like dessert….
- I broke the bread up into pieces roughly 2″ and packed them into a jar about half way up.
- I had some raspberries in the fridge , I put one small pack in a saucepan with a little water and simmered them down until they were puree like.
- Added a teaspoon of honey , and 2 tsp of agar flakes( a gelling agent)
- Bring to boil then quickly remove it continuously stirring and pour over the bread.
- Place in fridge for about 30 minutes just to let the raspberry set.
- Topped off with some coconut yogurt – Coyo, or real greek yogurt
- Sprinkle some toasted desiccant coconut and viola…. Coconut triffle-ish thing…?!
My friends said if mikado biscuit had a dessert it would probably be it, so if you like them, definitely give it a go! This blog post is not so much about the recipe but about how a kitchen disaster doesn’t have to be a bad one(unless its a fire) so if you make a mistake act like it was all part of the plan and try something new, be creative !
Coconut yogurt, Its not yogurt flavoured with coconut its actually yogurt made from coconut, so vegan friendly, thick & creamy. I have seen it only in health stores, nourish on Exchequer St, and Fallon & Byrne.
I used to always get greek style yogurt in the supermarket thinking it was greek yogurt but no… But the real thing is so much nicer .Theyre is few places you can get the real stuff, primarily a brand called fage. I found them in donnybrook fair, I know ‘peoples park’ market have a stall were they sell fresh greek yogurt too! Its lovely by itself but I like to mix in a spoonful of vanilla protein powder its like a dessert!
Typically used in traditional japanese cooking its a gelling agent.They are a sea vegetable, free from any chemical bleaching or softening agents, so its a good high quality substitute for gelatine. I got mine in blazing salads, but I have seen it in health stores too. ✓Vegan Friendly.