I began Natural Born Feeder in 2013 to document my love of cooking and to share my recipes.
My approach to cooking is simple: use whole foods to live a whole life. Having developed a negative relationship with food that led me to make unhealthy choices, I changed my lifestyle by rediscovering my love of cooking. I used my passion for food to develop the tasty recipes that fuel the body, providing the energy and vitality needed to look and feel great. For me a healthy lifestyle isn’t about extremes, it’s about balance.
What is my food philosophy?
I’m not someone who advocates a certain type of diet and I love exploring with vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free, paleo, raw recipes and so on. I am by no means ‘anti’ any food groups and I appreciate that people will have differing requirements for their way of living.
I do, however, have one criteria- I use only whole foods. I avoid processed goods, aspartame and foods containing words and additives I can’t even pronounce!
Cooking like this may appear more time-consuming but I can guarantee you that the end result is far more rewarding not only for your health, but for the all important eating experience and the salivating taste buds.