The Hike Life: Howth
So, guys the next Hike Life will take place next weekend on the Bank Holiday Monday, 29th October at 12pm in Howth. The perfect recovery for anyone who’s planning a night out on the Sunday 🙂
I’ve decided the next hike will be the Howth Cliff Walk, it’s such a good walk and offers some beautiful cliff views along the way. The meeting point will be opposite the King Sitric restaurant on the East Pier which is a 5-7-minute walk from Howth Dart Station. This is a long walk that is relatively level with some inclines in parts but nothing too strenuous. The walk is approx. 12km and takes roughly 3 hrs in total. So, make sure you bring water, get a good breakfast/lunch in beforehand and bring snacks if you need to.
Howth is easily accessible by dart. Please check the timetable here to make sure you’re out in time http://journeyplanner.irishrail.ie/. If you’re driving, there’s lots of car parking options in Howth Harbour.
The walk is called Bog of the Frogs and follows the purple arrows. The walk is suitable to bring dogs but please be aware that you do cross two roads along the route so please be mindful of this.
If it’s raining the walk will still take place. The trail can get quite muddy and slippery in the rain so wear suitable footwear for the walk.
Hope you can make it.
Look forward to seeing you guys next Monday! 🙂